EBRD Regional Conference on Broadband Infrastructure Investment
The identification of strengths and weaknesses of EU Broadband and the suggestion of ways that the EU approach can be adapted outside the...

Taxation of broadband and pay TV in Greece violates constitutional rights
A high level international event entitled “Human rights in crisis?” took place in Athens on 3 June 2016. It was jointly organised by the...

Vectoring should not restrict competition and consumer choice in the broadband market
Dr Leonidas Kanellos attended the ETNO-MLex Regulatory Summit which took place in Brussels on 24 May 2016. Representatives of the...

The challenges of cloud computing regulation in Saudi Arabia
On 9 May 2016 Dr Leonidas Kanellos participated to the Regulatory Training Workshop organised in Riyadh by the Communications and...

The standardisation of cloud computing SLA and contractual terms: the SLALOM project
SLALOM is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 644270. The...

Broadcasting Regulations in Canada
Leonidas Kanellos meets Tom Pentefountas, CRTC Vice- Chairman on Broadcasting An informal excange of regulatory expertise between Europe...

"Governments are thirsty for control"
In Rio to debate network neutrality issues related to the Marco Civil da Internet, Leonidas Kanellos, Greek lawyer and professor sees...

International Conference on Development of Net Neutrality Rules
Kevin Martin, Facebook VP for global access policies and former FCC Chairman with Leonidas Kanellos, ex. BEREC Chair in Rio, Brazil. The...

Net neutrality and the future of communications in Brazil
Ladies and gentlemen, First, I have to thank the FGV Law School of Rio for having invited me in this high level international conference...

Drones: The Sky Is A Limit
LEGAL ISSUES RELATED TO CIVILIAN DRONES IN EUROPE Article posted on InterMEDIA | June 2015 Vol 43 Issue 2 According to the International...